Ordering Dies
There are some requirements for an accurate and quick quote response
To place a die order or quote, please email: EXCO Canada, EXCO USA, or EXCO Colombia or print out the form and fax it to the order desk:
- EXCO Canada: 905-477-6304
- EXCO USA: 800-742-7546
If you are a new customer to EXCO we require:
If you are an existing customer to EXCO please provide the following information:
- Die Order (die number, number of cavities, size)
- Geometry sent by e-mail
- Support Tooling
- To make a backer or fit existing backer
- To make a bolster or fit existing bolster
- Billet diameter and press size
- Ship date
- Layout of profile
- Special information (welding points, exposed surfaces etc.)
- Billet type and size alloy)